Sunday, March 22, 2020

Back on the Bike and The Australian Fitness and Health Expo

Wednesday 18 May 2011
Three days of pounding the sponsorship road takes its toll, I took three days out of my training schedule to attend The Australian Fitness and Health Expo going from stand to stand sharing what it is that I am doing with Bike Daddy Bike and what it is that I want.

I sent off my first email today to Lisa from a wonderful woman who was so supportive of what I am doing bringing awareness to all the issues surrounding men’s health with a focus on testicular cancer.

I found it challenging and I did it I got myself from stall to stall sharing what I have to offer a way for companies to give back and to be seen to be giving back.

I myself have had a personal loss recently, my mother passed away suddenly and without warning and so I am taking stock of what is most important to me and so it’s back to the Gym for yet another workout!!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My journey to Japanese Acupuncture

So the search is on for therapists in the Byron, Lismore, Ballina area who are willing to assist me on my healing far I've been through two other acupuncturists one that I had needle shock from...which was a very unexpected path on my healing journey through my current partner I was lead to Lismore.
Where I Paul Hoogendyk from the Mauri Natural Therapy clinic and it was the very first time that I'd experienced Japanese Acupuncture, being used to UTS and what happens there where I'm working with 4th year students it's very different to be in a private clinic...Paul is both friendly and welcoming and gently re assuring which was good for me seeing as I was in fair degree of pain.

I had no idea how it differed from what I was used to at UTS and it took a little bit getting used to...I got out of pain from the first session which was impressive and at times I'd forgotten what it's like to be out of pain and I'd forgotten just how much that has shaped my life over the last 11years.

What I didn't know is the current injury that I have is a muscle tear which was very comforting for me to hear and once I know what it is I can work with it so far it's a slow process of treatments as often as possible and heat packs twice a day which I've noticed have been making a significant difference. I am well aware that it's a process and I've been keeping up my basic Yoga practice and that's included Yoga in the shower when I'm doing my Netti pot which I'm committed to starting my day with.

Breathing my way through the next part of this journey.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Progress and Filex

Donerstag 29 April 2010 Fit4Luv

I have made so much progress since I started going to the and I've come across Shuai and he has totally worked wonders my pain levels have dropped to a workable level where as before they were so high that I was unable to focus on what I needed to.

So I've been getting acupuncture and Chinese herbs from Shuai and the Great Oracle of knowledge at the UTS TCM clinic....I've been getting up at 04.30hrs pretty much every morning and perfecting my Power Process © and thats been really working for me. Since Shuai has been giving me laser acupuncture on my left foot it's made a huge difference I injuries it doing stair climbs quite a few months back and with the combination of the herbs and acupuncture and Shuai's expertise I'm now ready to move on to the next phase of my training.

Hill climbs and back to heart rate training...just as well I'm getting very bored with Power Processing © around Balmain at the moment...I'm so looking forward to going to Filex tomorrow!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Next Step

Montag 15 Feb 17.31hrs
Well I'm at the next step of the process researching which Gym will fit in with my branding and so far it is proving to be a challenging process.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Journey to Wellness

Montag 14 December 2009 14.46hrs
Well I’m sitting here in the ATAC at SIT Ultimo TAFE..with the remains of a chest infection that I managed to get on top of and I’m sitting with what I done only 50minutes ago which was to re schedule my naturapathic appointment with Linda Krick and share with her what I am doing with this blog.
This is my journey to wellness and I’m the one in charge so I’m on track I’ve followed up with Christine Faris who is a Rolfer and I’m taking good care of my health now by having an early night.